Sunday, July 31, 2011

FHE: Trying to Be Like Jesus

(from May 1999 Friend
We talk a lot about trying to be like Jesus and following His example, so how do we really do that?

When Jesus Christ lived on the earth, He set a perfect example for us to follow in treating other people. He said, “For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you” (John 13:15). He showed us at least three things that each of us can do: He was kind. He loved everyone. He served others.

I can be kind. Jesus taught that we can share what we have with others. We can visit people who are sick. We can make someone who is new feel welcome. Jesus did these things, and we can, too. He said that when we do these things for others, we are doing it for Him (see Matt. 25:40). When we share with others, we are not just sharing with them—we are sharing with Him. When we visit others, it is as if we are also visiting Him. When we make others feel welcome, we are making Him feel welcome, too. Surely that is why being kind helps us to have a good feeling and to feel close to our Savior.

I can love everyone. When Jesus knew that He was about to be crucified, He gave His disciples a most important commandment—to love one another the same way He loved them. He told them that people would know that they were His disciples if they followed this commandment. People will know that we are followers of Jesus Christ when they see that we are trying to love everyone.

I can serve others. Jesus spent His whole life serving others. He even gave His life for others—for us. He taught that the greatest among us would be those who serve others as He did (see Matt. 23:11). That is hard for some people to understand. They think that if everyone serves them, it means that they are very important. Jesus Christ taught a better way—to serve others by helping them, by comforting them, by treating them as He treated others.

Read the scenarios and scripture references from the September 1990 Friend and decide how to follow the example of Jesus Christ.

Read about how being kind and unselfish makes us happy in "The Best Summer Day".

-We can follow the example of Jesus Christ by being kind, by showing our love to others, and by serving.
-As we follow the example of Jesus Christ and try to make others feel good, we will be happy also.