Monday, February 7, 2011

FHE: Faith

What does it mean to have faith? 
Read Alma 32:21
Alma teaches that, "faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things...if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true."  When we have faith, we believe and trust in something that is real and true even though we haven't seen it for ourselves.

SONG: "Faith" (Children's Songbook, 96)
Faith is knowing the sun will rise, lighting each new day.
Faith is knowing the Lord will hear my prayers each time I pray.
Faith is like a little seed: if planted, it will grow.
Faith is a swelling within my heart.  When I do right, I know.

What does it mean to have faith in Jesus Christ?
To have faith in Jesus Christ means that although we have not seen Him, we believe that He lives and loves us and we trust in Him.  When we read the scriptures, we can learn about Him.  when we listen to the prophets, we can understand what we can do to follow Him.  When we pray in faith for help to choose the right, we can know that our prayers will be answered.  When we listen to the whisperings of the Holy Ghost, we can feel Him close to us and know that He loves us.

SONG: (second verse of "Faith")
Faith is knowing I lived with God before my mortal birth.
Faith is knowing I can return when my life ends on earth.
Faith is trust in God above; In Christ, who showed the way.
Faith is strengthened; I feel it grow whenever I obey.

How does our faith in Jesus Christ grow?
Just like it said in that song, our faith is strengthened when we obey.  Alma tells us that the word of God is like a seed.  When you plant a seed in the ground, what do you need to do if you want it to grow?  (give it water, sunlight, etc.) 

When we plant a seed in the earth, we need to nurture it by keeping the weeds away, by giving it water and plant food, and by making sure that it has sunshine.  If it is a good seed, it will begin to swell and grow.

Our faith is like a seed.  When we believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ, we plant the word of God in our hearts.  We nurture this kind of seed by praying, by listening to the prophets, by keeping the commandments, and by responding to the promptings of the Holy Ghost.  As we do this, the seed of truth will grow within our hearts.  We will feel happy and know that the things that we are learning and doing are right.  If we continue to exercise our faith, it will grow strong and bring many blessings into our lives.

Being obedient is an important part of strengthening our faith.  If you plant a good seed, but don't water it or take care of it, it can't grow even though it is a good seed.  We have to do our part to strengthen our faith by diligently trying to keep the commandments and by following the example of Jesus Christ.  As we do this, we will be able to recognize the blessings that come from being obedient.  We can know that the things that we are doing are right.

Activity Verse:
Faith Is like a Seed by Chad E. Phares, Friend, Mar. 2009, 36
1. My faith is like a tiny seed  (hold thumb and index finger close together)
2. That is hard for me to see.  (make circles around eyes with thumbs and index fingers)
3. But when I read the scriptures  (open hands like a book)
4. Faith grows inside of me.  (put both hands on chest)
5. And when I say a prayer  (fold arms)
6. I feel it in my heart.  (put hand on heart)
7. My seed of faith becomes a tree (put arms up like branches)
8. When I do my part.  (point thumb at self)

What are some ways that you can strengthen your faith?
(prayer, scripture study, being honest, going to Church, trying to be like Jesus, etc.)

Give everyone a few paper leaves.  Ask them to write or draw things that they can do to strengthen their faith.  Draw a trunk on a piece of paper and glue everyone's leaves on, creating a tree of faith.  This is the tree we made this week:

-When we obey the commandments and try to follow Jesus, our faith grows and becomes stronger.
-We can come to know that the things the Lord asks us to do are right because of the way they make us feel and the blessings that come into our lives as we keep the commandments.
-Our faith in Jesus Christ will help us to draw closer to Him and want to be like Him.

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