Monday, March 14, 2011

FHE: Choosing Good Friends

What is a good friend?  What have you done this week to be a better friend?

Scripture Story:
Why is it important to choose good friends?

Review the story of Alma the Younger and the sons of Mosiah.  (Gospel Art Kit 321, Mosiah 27)
Then review the story of Daniel and his friends who refused to eat the king's meat. (Gospel Art Kit 114, Daniel 1)

Compare the two stories and discuss how the friends that we choose can influence us for bad or good.

When we surround ourselves with good people who will set good examples for us and help us make good decisions, it is easier to choose the right.  Remember that if we want to have good friends, we have to be good friends.

What are some things you would want in a good friend?

Coloring: what makes a good friend.  Using an outline of a person, create a good friend while talking about attributes you would want in a friend/how you can be a good friend.  (Here's the link to the outline we used.)

Make slips of paper with the following body parts written on them.  Draw slips out of a bowl and draw or color that part while talking about what makes a good friend.

Draw eyes: good friends look for the good in others, have a positive outlook
Draw mouth: speak kindly, don't gossip or use bad language
Draw ears: listen
Draw hair (for head): thoughts and actions are clean and pure
Color shirt (heart): show love towards others
Color arms: serve others
Color pants: quick to run from evil and temptations
Color shoes: stand for truth, stand up for what they believe in

-importance of choosing good friends who will help you choose the right
-you can be a good influence, set a good example for others by being a good friend

Additional Activity:
Complete the scripture code activity to reveal some of the qualities of true friends.

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