Monday, March 21, 2011

FHE: Prophets and Apostles

"If you needed to ask someone to give an important message to people you love, what kind of person would you ask?  You would probably choose someone who is honest, responsible, and trustworthy.
Heavenly Father gives His message to His children on the earth through prophets.  He knows His prophets are honest, responsible, trustworthy, and righteous.
...We are blessed to have a prophet today.  We can hear messages from Heavenly Father as we listen to the prophet."  (March 2011 Friend, p. 40)

Prophets help us learn about Heavenly Father's plan and what we need to do to return to live with Him.  We will be blessed and protected as we follow the prophet.

-Who is our prophet today? 
-Who else do we sustain as prophets, seers, and revelators?  (The counselors in the First Presidency and members of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles.)

How can we gain a testimony of the prophets and the things they teach?  (pray, listen to their words, and follow what they say: read John 7:17 and quickly review experimenting upon the word from Alma 32)

-President Thomas S. Monson is our prophet today.
-You can gain your own testimony that he is God's prophet and that the things he teaches are true.
-We are blessed to have the guidance of a living prophet.
-As we listen to the words of the prophet and apostles, we will know the things our Heavenly Father wants us to do.

Matching Game:
Remove page 41 from the March 2011 Friend and glue it to cardstock, then cut out the pictures of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.  (or print it out from this link:)

Write the names of these 15 men on strips of paper and play a matching game to match the names with the correct pictures.  Then put them in order of seniority.

Additional Activities:
-Apostles Memory Game

-Use the info on p. 71 of the March 2011 Ensign to learn a little more about these men.

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